AC Machines Lab

The department has spacious laboratories such as DC Machines lab, AC Machines Lab, Electric Circuits and Devices Lab, Measurement and Instrumentation Lab, Control System Lab, Power Electronics Lab, Microprocessor & Micro controller Lab and Computer & Simulation Lab. All the laboratories are fully equipped with latest, modern and sophisticated equipments.

S. No Description of Equipment Quantity available
1 DC shunt motor coupled three phase alternator- smooth cylindrical 4
2 Synchronous motor 3
3 Three phase induction motors-
Squirrel cage type
Slip ring type
4 DC Shunt motor coupled three phase alternator – salient pole 4
5 Single phase induction motor 3
6 Synchronizing panel 1
7 Inductive load 2
8 Capacitive load 1
9 Resistive load 4
10 Moving Iron Voltmeter of  different ranges 30
11 Moving Iron Ammeter of different ranges 30
12 Wattmeter (LPF) 25
13 Wattmeter (UPF) 30
14 Single phase auto transformer 5
15 Three phase auto transformer 5
16 Rheostats of various ranges 25

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