Parametric Technology Corporation(PTC)

According to the HRD ministry, India has 6,214 engineering and technology institutions which are enrolling 2.9 million students. Around 1.5 million engineers are released into the job market every year. But the dismal state of higher education in India ensures that they simply do not have adequate skills to be employed.

One of the major problems facing the fresh graduates is their insufficient understanding of basic concepts. The lack of in-depth understanding of technical information, lack of client-handling skills and insufficient knowledge across domains are the major skill gaps in their area. Engineering students need to have hands-on training on the basis of the problems they are likely to encounter in the real world.

Initiatives like the Start-up India and Make in India are positive efforts taken by the government in this direction to boost employment opportunities for engineers. So it is a need of the day to enhance our Engineering students to become an industry ready skill engineer when they are passed out from our engineering colleges.

To achieve this future skill engineers, Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) Bangalore along with Dysmech Consultancy Services Private Limited (DCS) Pune, has set up its first of its kind facility in K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology (KSRCT) to provide human capital skill development for engineering students to support the core placements Ingenuity.

KSR-PTC Centre of Excellence (KSR-PTC CoE) Programme which consists of setting up a world class facility by establishing the 7 labs along with industry standard software, hardware, machineries and certified training under one roof for developing high quality skilled workforce of industry relevance.


  • KSR-PTC CoE aims to provide skill sets focused on individual talent based training in Mechanical, Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering field that is customized to the current demands of industrial requirements and job market.
  • It offers a range of core training programs like design, analyze, digital manufacturing and industrial automation for engineering students to best endurance and getting opportunities at the end of their degree completion based on an endowment.
  • It offers final year student’s projects, new product development through research and development and industrial consultancy services.
  • KSR-PTC CoE aims to provide the skill sets of design, analyze and digital manufacturing to engineering students.


  • 500 hours of intensive training through industry recognized experts.
  • Enhances the students core domain knowledge and be an industry ready graduates.
  • Placement opportunities in Core Engineering Industries in the area of design, manufacturing, automation and robotics, product data management and R&D.
  • Final year projects can be competed through this training program.
  • Students can be permitted to wavier one elective theory course in 7th semester and another one in 8th semester of each 3 credits course by the completion of 500 hours of training programme in full.
  • Providing industry ready engineering graduates to save the employers training and facility cost.
  • Entrepreneurship development through design engineering services, collaborative designs and global outsource projects.
  • Product design engineers/ incubators can design with consideration of all engineering calculations through commercial version software packages.
  • Complicated product data’s can be retrieve, analyze and redesign using Reverse Engineering. Product design can be manufactured with in a fraction of second as a prototype or real product using Rapid prototyping technology.
  • Industrial automation knowledge can be enhanced through KSR – PTC CoE


  1. Creo for Design - 75 Hrs.
  2. Creo for industrial Design - 50 Hrs.
  3. Reverse Engineering - 40 Hrs.
  4. Rapid Prototyping - 25 Hrs.
  5. Production Program - 50 hrs.
  6. Creo Analysis - 50 Hrs.
  7. Automation Control and Robotics - 50 Hrs.
  8. Math CAD - 15 Hrs.
  9. ISO Draw Basics - 50 Hrs
  10. Internet of Things - 45 Hrs
  11. Automobile / Tool Design /Machine Design /Product Life cycle Management (PLM) - 50 Hrs

(Students have to choose any one Specialization)

Total Hours  -  500 Hrs.



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