Department Profile

Department of Nano Science and Technology is currently carrying out the research conducting among students on different domains based on industrial need. Our Department is pioneer in the mass production of nano metal oxides from natural resources for different industrial applications such as Tissue engineering, Agriculture, Energy storage, Refractory, Textile, Defense applications, etc.


  1. More than 23 Ph.D., candidates and 07 are pursuing their Ph.D.
  2. Granted 3 patents and filed 13 patents in areas such as nano-metal oxides from natural minerals, nano-silica from rice husk, and nanoparticles from herbal plants for different industrial applications.
  3. More than 230 publications in different peer-reviewed international journals.
  4. 22 completed funded projects with a value of Rs.3.64 crores and one ongoing projects from DST-DAAD-PPP, DST-SERB, New Delhi and BRNS, Mumbai.
  5. Signed MoUs with leading research institutes in India and countries such as Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, USA, Portugal, South Africa, Kenya and Mauritius for joint collaborative research work.
  6. Conducted many International conferences (NANO-10, MAM-12, NANO-15) and lecture and hands-on training workshops on Nanotechnology to cater to the needs of the nanotechnology based scientists and researchers. Five Nobel Laureates has visited the CNST, KSRCT since from 2010.
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