HoD Biographical Notes

The department is headed by Dr. S. Anita she has graduated from Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India in Food Science and Nutrition and Biochemistry and Master’s and M.Phil. degree in Foods Science and Nutrition at PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu respectively. She has received the Ph.D. degree from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2013. She has 13 years of teaching experience and research experience and her area of research includes New food product development, Development of novel nutraceutical and functional foods and Probiotics.

Dr.S.Anita has received grants from DBT, UGC, TNSCST, DST and MoES with the sum of 16 Lakhs for conducting research and organizing conference. She has guided 20 B.Tech graduates and 5 M. Tech., graduates. She has eight publications in International Journal and 20 papers in conference proceeding. She is peer reviewer in journals like African journal of biotechnology, Journal of poisonous and medicinal plant research, Journals of Agriculture. She has submitted 8 DNA sequence at NCBI and deposited Trichodermaatroviride (Biocontrol agent) culture in Microbial Type Culture Collection and accession number is MTCC 9461. Under her leadership, the Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been successfully implemented in the department.

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