PEOs, POs & PSOs

The PEOs of the M.B.A programme are:
  1. To make the students to develop a strategic level understanding of the key functions of business - Executive Communication, Marketing, Human Resource, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Operation, Business Law, Management Information System, International Business Management, Statistics and Contemporary Issues.
  2. Students will practice problem analysis and decision-making and present results, both individually and as part of teams and groups, using vehicles such as problem and case analysis, simulating real life situations.
  3. Students are encouraged to participate in service learning experience during the course of their studies and enriched in leadership and entrepreneurship development.
Programme Outcomes (POs) relevant to the M.B.A programme are listed below:
  1. an ability to develop conceptual models and develop business strategies for management decisions,
  2. an ability to understand the impact of management solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context,
  3. an ability to understand contemporary management issues,
  4. an ability to foresee possible problems and solve them,
  5. an ability to apply knowledge of Statistics, Accounting, Computer Science and Management,
  6. an ability to identify the research topic, design and conduct survey to analyze and interpret data,
  7. an ability to communicate effectively,
  8. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern management tools necessary for management practice,
  9. an ability to work with and manage multidisciplinary teams,
  10. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
  11. an ability to engage in life-long learning,
  12. an ability to develop broad knowledge and create innovative strategies in the chosen elective field of Finance, Marketing, HR, Production, System and General Management.
Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs):
  1. Develop the students into effective leaders and administrators ready to face the challenges of corporate world.
  2. Inculcate the social, legal and ethical responsibilities of Business among the students to become responsible citizens of the country.
  3. Provide necessary inputs on strategies to be followed to become effective entrepreneurs.


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