Major / Minor Projects

S.No Funding Agency Title of the Project Amount (in Rs.) Ongoing / Completed
1 AICTE-MODROBS, New Delhi Large scale production of antibiotics through modernization of bioreactors and accessories in the Bioprocess Engineering and Technology Laboratory 14,00,000 Ongoing
2 DST- SERB, New Delhi Development of simple with rapid protocol for identification of lichens obtained from Western Ghats using Image Processing Techniques in cloud Computing 29,71,000 Ongoing
3 Women Scientist Scheme N0.DST Prediction of binding sites of certain legands for class I and class II type human olfactory receptors (Ors) subclusters, and pharmacological study for proposed drug in mouse cell lines, preclinical trials for inhalation therapy 22,03,000 Ongoing
4 Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi Molecular mechanism of antimutagenic and anticancerous activities of southern Indian tea catechins 20,50,000 Ongoing
5 SERB-(Science & Engineering Research Board) Young Scientist Award-Evaluation of antiarthritic and ameliorative potential of Terrestrial and Marine Lichens 40,75,000 Ongoing
6 National Tea Research Foundation, Kolkata Nanobiotechnological approaches for the management of stem and root diseases of tea plants using indigenous biocontrol agents 1,26,3600 Ongoing
7 UGC, New Delhi Evaluation of antibiotics producing Streptomyces spp. against rhizome rot disease in turmeric 1,60,6600 Ongoing
8 UGC, Hyderabad Pharmacological evaluation of anticancerous compouds NDS obtained from lichens using animal methods. 3,50,000 Ongoing
9 UGC, Hyderabad Formulation of probiotic health drink using differ ent traditional herbs and its evaluation using animal models. 2,15,000 Ongoing


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