Appoinment - Terms & Conditions

  1. At the time of joining duty you shall submit all your original certificates together with one set of photocopy of the certificates pertaining to your qualifications, experience, date of birth and other testimonials with three copies of recent passport size colour photograph for our record and reference.
  2. You have assured during the discussion with the Management that you will serve as a Faculty Member with dedication, sincerity and adept to attain the set goal and serve at the institution for a period of at least one year from the date of joining. The Management has accepted the assurance as binding on you while issuing this Appointment Order.
  3. However if contingencies and extraneous circumstances so warrant your request for relieving / resignation from the assignment offered in our Institution may be entertained by the appointing authority for consideration provided you should give THREE MONTHS NOTICE in advance or in lieu of you should pay three months of emoluments last drawn by you to the Institution.
  4. However, your resignation during the semester shall be accepted on condition that you shall be relieved from your duties only at the end of the academic year / semester and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions stated at S.No.3. above.
  5. The faculty members are eligible for 12 days casual leave per year, in addition to government holidays and Sundays. You are also eligible for 8 days Medical Leave in an academic year. ML will be sanctioned only on producing the medical certificate from a registered Medical practitioner.
  6. The faculty member will be deputed / sponsored / permitted for higher studies / special training / foreign visit / faculty development programme for which the registration fee and DA / TA and other expenses met by the institution for the period, exceeding three months, he / she has to execute a bond that he / she serves in the institution for three years. The expenses should be borne by the member incase of breach of agreement.
  7. Your main duties and responsibilities include the following:-
    • To observe punctuality and conduct Lecture, Lab, Tutorial, Seminar Classes and attend all other academic, co-curricular and extra curricular activities assigned to you efficiently and to the best satisfaction of the students and superiors.
    • To keep abreast of the latest development in the subjects handled by you in order to promote meritorious performance of students and to ensure high percentage of pass in the end semester examinations.
    • To co-ordinate and work with fullest co-operation with others in the departments ensuring excellent working atmosphere.
    • To maintain cordial relationship and good communication with students, colleagues and subordinates.
    • To participate actively and diligently in the development of your Department in particular and the Institution in general.
    • To oversee the effect of maintaining all round discipline in the Institution.
    • To strictly adhere to and abide by all applicable statutory rules and regulations those are in force from time to time.
  1. You should be medically found fit on the date of joining. To this effect, a certificate is to be produced from a Registered Medical Practitioner.
  2. You will be entitled to avail leave facilities as per the rules prescribed by the college from time to time.
  3. You will be a full-time employee of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, and shall not engage in any employment or business elsewhere while in employment with K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology. You must get permission before joining any part-time course/evening course/distance education course.
  4. During the period of your service with K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, You should conduct yourself efficiently with initiative and interest in all aspects of Teaching and development of the Department / Institution.
  5. If found guilty of breach of any of the aforesaid clauses, insubordination, insolvency or gross negligence of duty, your service is liable to be terminated without any notice.
  6. This order shall be treated as cancelled, if the member is not reporting within the stipulated time.
  7. You are requested to sign the duplicate copy of this order as a token of acceptance of the above terms and conditions and return the same to the office of the Principal within 7 days from the date of issue of this order.


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