VLSI Laboratory

The VLSI laboratory is well equipped with the most up-to-date industry standard VLSI EDA tools and hardware resources like Xilinx 12.1, Tanner EDA tool, Synopsys EDA tool, Spartan3 FPGA, Spartan3A video starter kit, VirtexE FPGA, Virtex4 FPGA, Virtex5 FPGA and CPLD. The laboratory provides hands-on experience to students in the field of analog and digital circuit design to conduct world class research. The laboratory is designed to expose the students to a set of tools for CMOS design, starting with SPICE circuit simulation and leading to physical layout, design rule checking, and extracted circuit simulation. Students gain knowledge in using EDA tools to design, simulate, and verify schematics and layout of logic gates. It also serves to facilitate design and implementation of digital design on FPGA.


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