

1.    The college gives utmost priority for discipline and every student is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.

2.    75% class attendance is mandatory for all students, failing which students shall not be allowed to appear in End Semester Examination.

3.    Every student shall conduct himself / herself in such a way to cause no disturbance to the working of the classes or to fellow students..

4.    Students are not permitted to use mobile phones inside the college campus. However, mobile phone is permitted to use only for attending online tests, quizzes etc., conducted by faculty coordinator.

5.    Students are not allowed to misuse the wifi facility of the college as the service has only been provided for academic purpose. Browsing is not allowed during class hours.

6.    No one will be allowed to listen to music from any device inside the college campus.

7.    Students are not allowed to attend the classes or any college function wearing dhotis, jeans or T-Shirts.

8.    Furniture in the class rooms should not be moved or displaced.

9.    Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.

10.   No students shall remain in the hostel during class – hours unless he / she is sick and is permitted to be on leave.

11.   Without gate pass, no students shall be allowed to go out of college during the class hours.

12.   Ragging is strictly banned in the campus as per the instructions of honorable Supreme Court.

13.   Students must keep the campus clean.


            Second and Fourth Saturdays of every month will be holidays. Sundays and Government holidays, the college will remain closed for both students and staff. All other days are working except on any special occasion and Government holidays, the college will remain closed for both students and staff.

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