HoD Biographical Notes

Dr. K. B. Jayanthi has more than 20 years of teaching experience. She is working as Professor and head of the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode. She graduated in the discipline of Electronics and Communication Engineering from Government College of Engineering, Salem in 1994. She completed her post graduation in Applied Electronics in Government College of Technology in 1999. She received her Ph.D. from Anna University Chennai in 2008. Her research area is Medical Image Processing. She has to her credit a number of papers published in peer reviewed International Journals like Elsevier, Springer, IET, Wiley, Actapress etc. She has also presented papers in a number of International and National Conferences. She has presented papers in the 3rd IEEE Global conference on Signal and Information Processing during December 14-16, 2015 in Florida; 34th annual IEEE EMBS conference in San Diego during August 2012 and in the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations in Las Vegas, US in April 2009. All the trips were fully sponsored – both by Department of Science and Technology and Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.

She was the invited speaker for the track ‘Signal and Image Processing in IEEE TENCON 2017 held in Penang, Malaysia between 5th Nov to 9th Nov 2017. She has received rupees ten lakhs towards project through Research Promotion Scheme of AICTE. The project is on prevention of cardio vascular diseases. She has two ongoing projects which are funded by UGC and DBT. The total cost of the ongoing projects is to the tune of 33 lakhs.

She has received MODROBS funding to the tune of 8 lakhs from AICTE for modernizing the VLSI laboratory with State of Art equipment. She has conducted staff development programs which are funded by organizations like AICTE & Department of Biotechnology. She has organised a number of conferences, workshops, staff development programs and seminars. Most of them are externally funded. She has received funding to the tune of 32 lakhs from various funding agencies like AICTE, DBT, DST, MOES, SERB and UGC for organizing such programs.

She has attended the ‘Women in Engineering : International leadership conference’ on ‘LEAD BEYOND’ in May 2014 in San Francisco in US. She is the Secretary of IEEE EMB Society of Madras section and faculty advisor of IEEE EMBS and IEEE WIE affinity group of K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology. She recently represented the college to receive the Best New Student Chapter Award from IEEE EMB society in the 39th Annual International Conference of EMBS held in Jeju islands, South Korea on 12th July 2017.

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