Lab Infrastructure

The department offers a competent academic environment with a team of well-qualified faculty members who offer the students excellent technical exposure. The strength of the department lies in the efficient students who are made aware of the increasing demands of the industry and shape their skills accordingly. The lab facilities and experiments are designed to achieve parallel growth in theoretical and practical skills, keeping in mind the current trends and developments.

The Department provides various lab facilities including Programming Lab, Case Tools Lab, UNIX and RDBMS Lab, Graphics and Multimedia Lab, Software Components Lab, Networking Lab, Hardware and Trouble Shooting Lab and Software Tools Lab. The workstations are installed with Programming Skill Development Software, Oracle, Rational rose, NS2, R-Studio, MATLAB, WEKA, RAPIDMINER, Eclipse, Net beans IDE and Visual Studio.

The Infrastructure of our department laboratories possess the following resources.  
Workstations 130 with Core2 Quad Pentium, 2GB RAM, 250 GB HD
Servers 03
Licensed Softwares Oracle, Rational Rose (60 users)
Printers 05
Scanners 01
IT Lab
Project Lab
Hardware Lab
Research Lab



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