Leave & OD

The members of faculty and non-teaching staff are informed to strictly adhere to these rules

1. Casual Leave (CL) and Medical Leave(ML):

The number Casual Leave per academic year is 12 days and Medical Leave per academic year is 8 days. (1st June to 31st May)

  • Holidays interposed between CLs will be taken as CL. [For eg. CL + General Holidays + CL; / General holidays will be taken as CLs]
  • No. of CLs and General holidays or SCL or ODs for exam duty or ODs for Ph.D. work either prefixed or suffixed should not exceed 7 days.
  • If it exceeds 7 days, the General holidays or SCL or ODs all will be considered as CL.
2. Special Casual Leave (SCL) / On Duty (ODs) for exam related work:

The number of Special Casual Leave sanctioned for the purpose of examination work, namely, practical exam or valuation or invigilation or squad per semester is 7 days only. If it exceeds it will be adjusted against the available CL and if CLs are not available loss of pay will be effected.

3. Phone Casual Leave (PCL):

The number of Phone Casual Leave, in case of genuine reasons of emergency per semester is 2. PCL more than 2 per semester will be considered as Loss of pay.

4. On-Duty Leaves / ODs for Ph.D. Related Work :

The number of On-Duty leave for Ph.D. related work is limited to 8 for the entire period of the Ph.D. work.

5. Permission:

Half a day CL will be effected for each of the permissions availed over and above 2 permissions in a Month.

5. Late Attendance:

Late attendance (LR) exceeding 2 per month will be considered as Permission. If Permissions is already availed it will be considered a 1/2 a day Casual Leave.

"Attendance is computerized through KSRCTCMS "

The leave rules given above will apply to all faculty members and Non-teaching staff. For Non-teaching staff SCL and ODs for Ph.D. related work are not applicable.


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