About the Department

K.S.R.School of Management of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode was established in the year 1995. The business school is started with a vision of developing the rural students to become competitive managers in all functional areas of management to meet global challenges. Present batch (2019-2021) of the business school is our 25th batch. This business school is backboned by experienced and well qualified faculty members, well stacked library, good infrastructure and good placement record. Average year of experience of the faculty of KSRSM is 15 years. Out of 09 faculty members 5 completed Ph.D. and rest of faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.

The business school has been practicing innovative teaching methodologies like Activity Based Learning and Case Study Analysis. The business School is offering Finance, Marketing, HR and General Management Specializations. The business school has frequently organizing various kinds of seminars, guest lectures, trade shows, exhibitions, workshops and Management Development Programmes through various functional clubs under management association.

The business school has built up strong Alumni Network and many of alumni are supporting us for Placement. Our business School is taking care of Entrepreneurship Development Cell and has conducted several programmes on Entrepreneurship for catering to the needs of budding entrepreneurs. It is maintaining the centre of excellence named Centre for Quantitative Methods which is providing guidelines both to the faculty and students regarding research analysis.

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