Power Electronics Lab

Major Equipments:
S. No Description of Equipment Quantity available
1 Device characteristics (for SCR, MOSFET, TRIAC and IGBT) kit with built in power supply & meters 4
2 SCR firing circuit module 2
3 Single phase SCR based half controlled converter & fully controlled converter along with built-in / separate / firing circuit / module and meter 3
4 Dual regulated DC power supply with common ground 4
5 3 phase fully controlled rectifier with R , RL load 1
6 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 15
7 Isolation Transformer 6
8 Single phase Auto transformer 3
9 Multi meter 5
10 Rheostats of various ranges 10
11 Ammeters and Voltmeters (MI & MC type) of various ranges 20
12 1 phase series inverter 2
13 1 phase cycloconverter 2
14 Voltage commutation chopper
Current commutation chopper
15 SCR parallel Inverter 2
16 IGBT Chopper with control 2
17 SCR & TRAIC phase Control Circuit for Universal Motor Control 4
18 1 phase IGBT PWM Inverter 2

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