Measurement and Instrumentation Lab

Major Equipments:
S. No Description of Equipment Quantity available
1 LVDT kit 2
2 Multimeter 10
3 Voltmeter 10
4 Schering Bridge kit 1
5 Wheat stone Bridge kit 1
6 Kelvin Double bridge kit 1
7 Resistors 20
8 RPS 14
9 IC 741 20
10 CRO 10
11 Decade inductance  box 20
12 Decade Resistance box 20
13 Decade Capacitance box 20
14 Energy meter 3
15 Wattmeter 6
16 Stop watch 3
17 Moving Iron Ammeter 10
18 Lamp Load 2
19 3 phase Auto transformer 2
20 1 phase Auto transformer 2
21 Galvanometer 18
22 Thermal Image Camera 1


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