Electron Devices Circuits Lab

This laboratory lays the foundation for the Electronics and Communication Engineering students during second and third year of their course. This lab has 25 users license of MULTISIM.
The objective of this lab is to make the students

  • To understand the basic working principle of electronic devices.
  • To specify various active and passive electronic components and devices and identify the terminals and to draw the symbols for different electronic components.
  • To understand and operate multimeter for current, voltage and resistance measurements.
  • To design electronic circuits for various applications using multisim software .
  • To investigate / test / verify property or characteristics of electronic devices, amplifiers and oscillators
  • To implement and verify logic gates, sequential and combinational logic circuits.
  • To learn operating principle and applications of electronic circuits and devices like amplifier, oscillator, switching circuits , wave shaping circuits aSCM188156nd multivibrators.

Circuits and components of EDC Lab can be divided into 2 groups: analog & digital. In analog lab, the students design, construct and test the working of analog circuits such as transistor amplifiers, operational amplifiers and oscillators. In digital lab, the students construct simple digital circuits such as logic gates, adders, flip-flops, counters, registers and multiplexers. After performing all the experiments included in this Laboratory, it is hoped the student receives good training to handle any electronic equipment available in electronics  field.
Basic electronic equipments used in electronics laboratory

  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope to view and measure AC waveforms.
  • Function Generator used to design, develop and to trouble shoot electronic equipments .
  • Regulated power supply to supply DC voltage to electronic circuits.
  • Breadboard to mount the components temporarily for experimental work.
  • IC Trainer kits to design sequential and combinational logic circuits

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