Lab Infrastructure

Lab Infrastructure

The institution has always kept its target of providing 1:1 computers to the students during their laboratory exercises.

The Department is well equipped with the latest computers such as Intel Core2Duo 1.8 GHz and Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. with multimedia features and softwares like Seahorse, Rational Suite etc. The Department provides round the clock, 40 MBps Internet service capable of connecting 500 users at a time. The Department offers international level Network Administrator programme named CCNA (CISCO Certified Network Administrator). The Department conducts DBMS Lab, Multimedia and Graphics Lab, Programming Languages Lab, Network Programming Lab, AI Lab, Data structure, operating system, software system development, visual programming etc., to train the students to face the competition in the IT field.

1 Server 07
2 Desktop PC 351
3 Printer 26
4 Head Phone With Mic 98
5 Logitech Webcam 22
6 Uninterrupted Power Supply 200KVA 01


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